23 before 24: The Beginning


And here it is. This is the reason I am starting this blog. Well, this and the fact that I've wanted to start a personal blog for a few years now to document my life (read more about me in my bio), but all that doesn't matter...let's get on to the good stuff! My list of 23 goals to accomplish by the time I turn 24!

1. Start shooting for my first photo book
2.   Travel out west and document it - DONE! Brandon (my boyfriend) and I traveled to San Diego!
3.   Pay off debt and close a line of credit
4.   Double my presence on my business Facebook
5.   Bring my camera most places and start documenting
6.   Craft a 2013 scrapbook with only cell phone pictures
7.   Visit each Five Rivers MetroParks, at least once
8.  Fit into a dress size 8 by my sister’s wedding
9.  Get another tattoo and document the process
10. Volunteer more of my time to good causes
11. Practice my cooking
12. Practice minimalism
 13. Save over 1 k for the year
 14. Inspire others to do great things
 15. Make regular posts to my business social media accounts
16. Sign my business up for wedding fairs
17. Learn how to do my own business accounting
18. Travel more often
19. Dedicate more time to my family and friends
20. Meet new people, despite my introversion
21. Start a personal blog to document my goals  - DONE! You are looking at it. ; D
22. Take 1 photo for each week in 2014 of Brandon and/or both of us 23. Run my first 5k

Now yes, I do realize these are some lofty goals, but isn't that the point? In order to achieve success and to better myself as a human being, I feel the need to set my goals sky high. Even if I don't achieve them, I'm still a lot closer than when I started.

Over the next few months I will be documenting my experiences here on my blog. Follow me along on my journey to a better me and tell me your goals in my comment section below!